Wednesday 8 December 2010

Art Walk, Wakefield

Wakefield Art Walk is an event held several times over the year, where certain shops and spaces hold little exhibitions in them all over town consisting of local artists work. You download the map from the website, and then follow it to find the places taking part. I went and did one at the end of last year and found the whole process of it rather exciting, as well as seeing some pretty awesome work. I think a similar thing like this would work quite well in Leeds, and rather than using places that are running to hold the exhibitions, just do up the shops that are no longer used so that they are clean and can be opened for the event.

The first Art Walk event was held on the 18th June 2008, and has been on the last wednesday of every other month since this.

Here is the map for the event that I got from the website.

Here's some photos that I took of the Art Walk the time that I went to it. The photo's are more of the streets we walked on rather than the places because I was intending to use them in a college project but decided not to in the end, but they are still good at giving an idea of what it is like there (very cold, and lots of walking).

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